Not all treatments are same and not all procedures are right for every type of body. Body contouring is such a vast subject. It comprised of cellulite treatment, skin tightening, fat reduction, inch-loss and muscle tightening – all into complete body contouring. The technology is constantly evolving in the body-contouring area. Whether it’s your belly, back, thighs, or under the chin, one should be clear about treatment types that are intended to give the desired results. Here are some of the most effective, doctor-recommended and FDA-approved body contouring treatment currently present in the market:-

Body Contouring Treatment: Skin-Tightening

As we age, our body loses skin laxity and becomes sagging with loose-dropping muscles. But thanks to breakthroughs in ultrasound technology, which build collagen by engaging in skin’s deeper layers. One can see a significant improvement not only in skin contour but in skin toning and firming as well. For people who’ve had a lot of weight loss or stretch marks or sagging skin due to pregnancy, they will definitely go with this treatment.

Cellulite Reduction

The low frequency 40 kHz ultrasound is an effective treatment of non-surgical reduction of localized fat. The phenomenon increases venous-lymphatic circulation, which improves the skin elasticity without damaging the surrounding tissues.

Inch Loss

Bio- electrical stimulation utilizes waveform for strong yet comfortable contraction relaxation of the muscle; producing intensified results in short period of time. The unique waveform contracts all the muscles in the abdominal wall sequentially to achieve a deep contouring and maximum loss of inches.


Vacuum breaks down the excessive, accumulated stubborn adipose tissues. When combined with heat therapy it removes toxins and waste materials through lymphatic drainage. The treatment improves body metabolism and increases blood supply.


A true micro current, when delivered to the face provides re-education of the muscles. The current is supposed to be so little (within the range of 0-500uamp) that it helps build ATP of the skin cells bringing visible results.

Stress Relief

A non-pharmacologic approach using gentle electrical impulses applied on the earlobe for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and insomnia. This unique CES technology creates deep relaxation and helps user to take a deep and sound sleep even in the short intervals.

Ultra MedStim – A Non-Surgical Body Contouring Treatment

The device is designed in such a way that it simultaneously uses combination of medium frequencies like – Ultrasound, Cavitation Therapy, Vacuum, Deep heat, Anti-Aging and Cranial Electrotherapy (CES). It uses bio-stimulation and sub-dermal therapy to remove unwanted cellulite efficiently and painlessly. The device also uses micro-current that improves facial skin health. It is a multi-treatment device that adds value to your wellness centers, spas, slimming centers, skin clinics, hospitals, obesity clinics – whichever your profession possess.



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