Back Pain is the most common complaint of more than 70% of the world population!

Back pain is not limited to senior citizens, it rather hits people of every age and every gender nowadays. Simple causes can be:- Lifestyle without exercise, bad sitting posture, accident/injury, weaker bones or Old-age problems.

Here at Johari Digital, our team has invested years in understanding people who are living with extreme pain. We have gained expertise in manufacturing pain relief devices to heal people and make them happy once again. Our device truly know how to diagnose and manage the back problems.

However, with lack of awareness, there are several common mistakes people make in their back pain which can cause even more harm.If you or someone you know is having back pain, please go through the below mistakes that we listed and lets spread awareness.

4-Common Mistakes People Make in their Back Pain

Mistake #1: Trusting in medicines more than other method

Its true that taking medication can help to ease pain instantly. However, medication does not treat the real source of the problem. You need to see a Professional who can diagnose the root cause of the problem.

There are several methods for pain relief, without taking drugs. If you are looking for a more natural solution. Try some Physical Therapies with the help of a professional PT.

Mistake #2: Following the advice of a non-professional friend or family

What may have worked for your friend to ease his back pain is not necessarily going to work for you. We are all individuals with very different body types. You need to seek professional advice and diagnose the problem according to your specific body type!  So you should avaoid wasting your time by taking false advices as your problem could persist a lot longer than it should.

Mistake #3: Become expert via YouTube

There are many people who blindly follow the health-tips/medicines/exercise that they have found on YouTube for their symptoms. To be honest, the effectiveness of these videos can be really incorrect and potentially harmful for that particular problem.

Exercises and health-tips should be very specific for your needs. Therefore, understanding what’s actually wrong with you will help you make a much better decision. And this can be done only by talking to a professional PT.

Mistake #4: Waiting too long to ask the right person for help

The longer you wait for the right person to ask, the longer you will suffer with pain. This can often extend your recovery time as well. Our advice to you is to contact a health professional ASAP. If you are already making any of these mistakes, you are not alone. There are many Physiotherapy and Rehab Centers available for you that provides best treatments.

One of the treatment they follow is Electrotherapy. Our pain management devices have been successfully installed in several PT- rehab centers and Hospitals. We also offer devices for personal use so that you can use them at you home. So, you have nothing to loose except your BACK PAIN!



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